The Free Medical Clinic to provide free medical for Residents Affected by the Ash Spill (Watts Bar Lake) in Partnership with East Tennessee Foundation and Baggett Pharmacy

  • Where you impacted?

    If you were impacted in any way by the ASH fallout and need medical care, simply self identify and call one of our clinic locations for your first appointment. This is for anyone who has or does not have insurance and all services are free of charge.

  • How does it work?

    The East Tennessee Foundation has funding to support any person impacted by the ASH Fallout. This is a first come - first served care option. We will serve those impacted until funds run out.

  • Where is the care provided?

    All care provided will be at one of our 3 FMC locations (Rockwood, Oak Ridge, or our Mobile Unit) and care will be provided through our normal framework. Prescriptions will be only placed through our community partner: Baggett Pharmacy in Kingston.

  • What is included in the care?

    The no charge care includes primary, specialty, referrals, diagnostics and medications. This is for those who have and DO HAVE insurance.